Monday, 29 September 2008

Processing Pears

I'll never can fruit by myself again. With Walt and Reed's help, me peeling and him slicing and Reed putting the fruit in the jars, we knocked through a couple of flats of pears in just over an hour, not counting cooking time. If I had done it myself it would have taken three times that long. Walt had picked them last week and let them ripen on a big cushy tarp in the garage. We found that they were perfect just as they had taken on a yellowish tinge, but not gotten all the way yellow. This batch resulted in 9 quarts, which we added to the previous batch that was about the same size, and now we are well-set for canned pears for the winter. The apples are still waiting, and there are a few pears still on the tree in our front yard; I think I'll set those aside for crisp.

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